The best tips for getting through AWSOPS examination

The best tips for getting through AWSOPS examination

Before you get your ducks in the row for the AWS SysOps certification exam, it is important to understand what different certifications are offered by Amazon Web Services.

Typically, you have three types of associate level certification exams.

  • SysOps Administrator Associate
  • Solution Architect Associate
  • Developer Associate

Out of the three exams, SysOps is considered the toughest one. Experts say that it needs a thorough preparation and studies.

The best tips for getting through AWSOPS examination

What makes it so difficult? This exam tests the understanding of deployment and configuration of services in a typical cloud environment.

Also, the exam checks the understanding of operations and management of cloud.

The other certifications focus on the application and usage sides which are the easy pickings.

It is needless to say that passing the SysOps Administrator test without joining aws certification training in Bangalore would be a tough row to hoe.

Find out a good training service provider to make the journey easy.

Want to know a few great tips? Here are they!

Always refer official site

After planning for AWS SysOps examination, refer only official website for preparation. It contains all the required information and gives a fair idea of the examination.

The certification examination throws 60 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) to answer in minutes. The passing score is 65 percent.

The examination requires thorough study and deeper understanding. Hence, gather every bit of information from reliable sources.

Join the best aws training in Bangalore for systematic preparation.

Read the Blueprint and White Paper well

To clear the exam, you should know about the topics covered. Typically known as ‘blueprint’, there is a document published for all certification programs.

By reading the blueprint, students get the fair idea about the probable number of questions from each topic.

The blueprint contains important white papers for the examination.

The whitepaper covers the architecture, security, and economics of the service. It is an important resource to prepare for the exam.

Topics like Storage Options or the Security Process should be prepared by reading the whitepaper. It makes a student confident by explaining the key concepts in detail.

Hands-on experience is more effective than theory

The more hands-on experience a student gets, the more are the chances of getting it cleared.

In the absence of the hands-on experience, it is impossible to get the inherent concepts of it.

There is another important aspect which shouldn’t be overlooked. In the amazon web services training in Bangalore, the trainers should discuss and explain real-life scenarios.

The examination might test the understanding of concepts through questions based on real-life examples.

If there is no hands-on practice of it, then it is a troublesome situation!

Frequently Asked Questions are also important

FAQ is another valuable resource for those who want to clear the AWS SysOps exam with good numbers. About each service, AWS brings a separate set of FAQs that clarifies all doubts (big and small).

Since it is a comprehensive source of information, students need to spend quite some time in reading each question and its explanation.

If the students join the best aws training in vijayanagar, then the FAQ is covered in the training program.

Topics covered by FAQ:

  • Configuration of the service
  • Resources required for understanding the service
  • Types of the service

Practice makes the person perfect

Yes, the cliché holds true for AWS SysOps certification as well. Mock tests or practice exams give a real feel of the exam.

Like any other certification program, it is always a good habit to solve mock question papers, test papers and online tests to assess the knowledge and understanding of the subject.

It gives a clear-cut understanding of the strength and weakness. Based on the numbers scored in the mock tests, students should pay attention to the finer points.

It is important to solve mock tests that completely mimic the actual test paper.

Other than this, several students prefer going through the videos that cover the subjects in depth. From the basic videos for beginners to specialized videos for experts, the whole range is available there.  However, finding the best tutorial videos is a tricky thing which requires help from experts.

Other than the official channel on the YouTube, several resources are available on the Internet. It is important to find out the right resource.

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About the Author: Vistablogger

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