Ever wonder how the coupon code sites work? Where do they get the coupons? Let me shed some insight into my own coupon code website and give you my advice if you ever want to start one for yourself.
If you are not familiar with coupon code websites, you are probably very new to the web. Coupon code or promotional code websites have been around almost since the inception of internet shopping on the web. As the owner of a coupon code site, let me share my insight into how coupon code sites work.
What relationship do promotional code websites have with the retailer?
Most coupon code website owners are affiliates of the retailer, this means they have an agreement with them to be able to post their links and banners. The retailers pay their affiliates a small percentage if users link off from the affiliated site and make a purchase. This percentage can be a small percentage such as 1% or as much as 20% or more. Sometimes retailers will pay a flat fee instead of a commission. Sometimes if your website is not sending any leads/purchases to the retailers, they may cancel you from their program.
Where do you get the coupons ?
Once you become an affiliate of a retailer, most of the time they will send you their special deals and coupons to promote on your website. Promotional codes can be either for “money off”, “percentage off”, “free or discounted shipping”, or “additional gift by entering a promotional code“. Since not all coupon codes are listed, you will have to go through forums or other websites to find any additional coupons. Some retailers, however, prohibit the use of unauthorized coupon codes.
How does one become a retailer’s affiliate ?
Most retailers will have a link on their website with text such as “Become an affiliate”. Once you sign up into their program they will determine whether your site is good enough for them to accept you into their program. If accepted, they will provide you with tracking links, banners, logos and anything else you may need to promote their products in your website. Different retailers have different criteria for acceptance. Some may accept you automatically, others may accept you only if you have established significant traffic and you are appropriate for their niche.
What will I need to create a coupon code site ?
Four items you will need: a web developer, a web designer, a dedicated staff to update the site and a great marketing plan. The web designer will help you make your site look great. The web developer will help you incorporate a database (to store coupon data) and make your website function like it’s supposed to. You will need a dedicated staff to constantly update coupons from different retailers. Some coupons can expire as soon as one day, so if you don’t keep your website fresh, it will look bad to visitors. A great marketing plan is needed to attract visitors to your site. Because of the fierce competition for the term “promotional code” or “coupon code”, if you don’t have a plan to attract visitors, your well designed website will yield little results. Like anything else in life, you will yield whatever effort you put into it. start own coupon code website.
What has been your experience ?
As an owner of a coupon code site for over 2 years, I have seen my traffic steadily declining since the competition keeps coming. However, I have been rewarded for my efforts whenever I start aggressively marketing it. It’s not a cakewalk and it takes a lot of dedication and frustration, but if you can really devote full time into it, I believe you will have a positive experience.
Start your own coupon code website now Visit: http://shinevista.com/coupon-website.php