Looking at the present need for the assessment in terms of recruitment, there is no denial to the fact that even pilots are hired on the criteria of assessment. It is important to understand the mental health condition of the pilots who are planning to step into the aviation industry. For this there are some professional assessment tools that can be the best platform. Such type of tools are designed to help you understand right behavioural pattern along with some psychological factors that may have a strong impact on the overall well-being the person who would be taking up this type of career.
Know more about the hiring tool:
You have two options to come up with the assessment solution for pilots. You can either take a look at the pilot aptitude test sample papers that have been created so far and come up with one or you can speak with the expert who has been creating such type of assessment from a long time. Ideally there are some key competencies that are measured through such type of assessment such as:
- Behavioural Competencies:
Such competency needs to be measured to understand if the person has got an attitude of team management, crisis management and better emotional stability.
- Cognitive Competencies:
Such type of competency allows you to understand whether the person is good with his communication skills, decision making, and spatial reasoning which is equally crucial.
The Key profiles for which such test is held:
It is the role of senior pilot and pilot trainer for which such type of test is organized. However, the questions and the time line set for both the roles may vary. Since the focus is along with understanding the behavioural pattern is to also analyse the experience and knowledge which the person holds in such career. Ideally, such type of solution is to hire the best team of pilots who can be efficient enough to offer your organization and your clients with better solution on long term. The assessment is important but before that as an employer, it is important for you to do a thorough market research and know if you want to focus on only basic skills to know the specialized skill that is expected from a potential candidate at the time of hiring.
The threshold of the proficiency depends on the probability score which the person or a group may get after clearing the exam. The data which is obtained through such industrial sector and different types of organization is generally updated on periodic basis in the software. This way, you will always be updated with the current scoring and scope of improvement that you can expect from the pilot at the home of recruitment.
With more employers starting their business in this field, it is important to look out for the pilot. The tests would help the employers to scrutinize the right pilots and the existing ones. So make a right use of such psychometric testing and get a good understanding about the individual’s personality. It is important that the person you hire for such crucial role is not only fit physically but also is mentally stable and offer the wondrous solution for your organization.