Browsers have various data such as cookies, histories, saved form data, bookmarks, etc. In general not all of the above data are important – cookies get cleared up, histories are cleared, the form data can be easily entered again. But Bookmarks are something which stands out in the above list.
The bookmarks can easily be exported to HTML files. The browsers can easily import these HTML’s saved bookmarks. Hence, it proves to be an easy method to move the bookmarks between various browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc.
Backup Browser Bookmarks
Firefox Browser
Getting bookmarks backed up in Firefox is pretty simple, Navigate to ‘Firefox’ > ‘Bookmarks’ > click on ‘Show all bookmarks’ or just press CTRL + SHIFT + B to open the library dialogue box.
Click the Import and Backup menu and select Export Bookmarks to HTML. Use the Import Bookmarks from HTML option here to import bookmarks in the future.
Firefox will give the backup file a name of “bookmarks.html” by default. If you want to change the name and location of the file please do so and save the file.
Google Chrome
To backup all your browser bookmarks in Chrome, click menu icon at the top-right corner and select ‘Bookmarks’ > ‘Bookmarks Manager’ or simply press CTRL + SHIFT + O to open bookmarks manager.
Click the Organize menu and select Export bookmarks to HTML file. (To import themlater, select the Import bookmarks from HTML file option.)
Chrome will give the HTML file a name containing the current date.
Internet Explorer
To export all you’re the browser bookmarks from IE, click on the little ‘start’ icon > select ‘import & export’ from the dropdown menu of ‘Add to favorites’.
Select the Export to a file option and click Next.
Check the Favorites checkbox and click Next.
Select the favorites you want to export – to export all your favorites, select the favorites folder at the top. (It’s selected by default.)
Provide a name for the file. Its named bookmark.htm by default, but you may want to name it something like bookmarks_date.html. Click Export and IE will create a backup file.
Click the Opera menu, point to Bookmarks, and select Manage Bookmarks. (You can also press Ctrl+Shit+B instead.)
Click the File menu and select Export as HTML. (The Export Opera Bookmarks option exports the bookmarks as a .adr file, which other browsers can’t open.)
Enter a name such as bookmarks_date.html, replacing date with the current date.
Restoring and/or Migrating Bookmarks
Firefox Browser
The process of restoring or migrating bookmarks is pretty similar to backing up. Press CTRL + SHIFT + D to open bookmarks manager, here select ‘Import & Backup’ > select ‘import from HTML’ and navigate to where you saved your bookmarks backup to select and click ‘open’ button to finish importing all your bookmarks.
Chrome Browser
To import bookmarks to chrome, press CTRL + SHIFT + O to open ‘Bookmarks manager’. Here select ‘Organise‘> ‘Import bookmarks from HTML file‘.
In this window, navigate to where you saved your bookmarks backup to select and click ‘open’ button to finish importing all your bookmarks.
Internet Explorer
To import bookmarks, click little ‘start’ icon > select ‘import & export’ from the dropdown menu of ‘Add to favorites’. Here select import from a file and click next.
Now check the check box ‘Favourites’ to import all your bookmarks and click next button.
Here in this window navigate to where you saved your bookmarks backup to select and click ‘open’ button > click ‘next’ > click ‘Import’ to finish importing all your bookmarks.
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