Bit Url Short and GooPlu Google Plus Shortener – Your Own Service. Earn from your links – GooPlu pays you for linking to any site or page that you want. Make short URL and get paid to share your links on the Internet. To create your own Gooplu links, just login to with the details above and enter any destination website in the large white box – then hit the Shrink! button. Your shortened URL will now be displayed for you to copy-n-paste anywhere you like. You could replace links on your blog with Gooplu links to generate more money or use them on Twitter where space is tight. There are many possibilities to earn money with Gooplu links, just by placing them where you would usually put normal links!
When you become an affiliate of a company or market any product as an affiliate you will be provided with a website link that contains your affiliate code. Than link will often consist of a long string of numbers and/or digits that identify the specific product and you as the affiliate.
Get Tiny Url and Blog Posting – New Free Shortening Service: Use Gooplu Now. Simply log on to Twitter and then go to Search. Input, I Want a New MacBook and hit enter. Immediately you ll be taken to a list of thousands of people who are ACTIVELY tweeting about how bad they want a new MacBook Pro. So what do you do next?
Url Shorteners List and Google+ Shortener – The Pros And Cons. Gooplu short URLs are randomly generated, and the mappings of short to long URLs are publicly accessible. Additionally, the mappings are: Immutable – once created by you, no one else can change them Irrevocable – once created, they do not expire. Note, however, that Google reserves the right to remove any googl short URL, for example for spam, security or legal reasons.
URL of the website should bengood enough to attract more customers and should be easy to learn. But, what one major problem is faced by most of the people is the long URL. They not only like to ignore the long URL but also find out the ways to shorten them. Hence there are many sites available in the market, which are providing free services to the customer to shorten the URLs. Few of the sites which helps in doing the same are, DwarfURL, Budurl and Cligs are few of those sites which help in shortening of the long URLs.
Must Read: Shrink, Share and Earn. It’s That Easy
How Do I Earn Money and Job Search – Benefits For Businesses. A URL Shortening Service That Pays and Create Short URL For Your Google Plus Profile Link. Shorten your links and earn money for each visitor! Works great on blogs, forums, Twitter, Facebook.
Twitter Url Shortening and Google Plus Shortener – Solutions That Can Help. How does this work? is an innovative service that allows you to earn money from each visitor to your shortened links. How this works is actually quite simple. First, you shorten your links with our site, and then you post them or send them to people as you usually would with any shortened link
I now use five or six competing URL shortening services dividing sites fairly evenly between them. This will help mitigate the problems should one of them crash. So, have a detailed list of your shortened URLs somewhere other than the shortener service site and spread the risk by using several services dividing your URLs between them.