Blogging – How To Get Backlinks To Rank On Google

Once you are on page one of Google with your keyword strength as we discussed in our previous lesson, now we will discuss the -Key To Staying On Page One Of Google.

You will need Backlinks added to your site to help keep your site on page one of Google. If another site in the search engines has stronger Keywords and Backlinks you will be moved down and they will be ahead of you. It will be very difficult to get ahead of them if they have more backlinks than you.

So, how do we get Backlinks? Truthfully this takes dedication, persistence and consistency. There are several software products out there that you can type in your URL, keywords, ping them and they will spit out URL backlinks to you. But just because you have these backlink resources does not mean they will be linked to your site.

Even if you ping them with your URL, they are not automatically added. I learned this the hard way. I got a bunch of backlinks and kept checking through “Firefox SEO Quake” (a free site) to see if they were linked to my site. And guess what, even after a month, we had no backlinks!!

So, back to the drawing board to figure out how to get backlinks onto our site. I watched several video’s on You Tube, watched various email videos I received and finally… I GOT IT!

See, everyone just tells you “BUY MY BACKLINKS,” or “CHECK OUT THESE FREE SITES FOR BACKLINKS”… but no one tells you what to do with them once you receive them, right?

Today, we are going to explain how to get backlinks and what to do with them. There are several Free resources out there to get backlinks like You put in your URL, keywords, and click the ping button and wait 30 minutes for about 500 Free Pinged Backlinks. And we did this and got our 500 Backlinks then waited 2 weeks to check to see if they were added to out site but… nothing happened!

But now we know why? Even though you get the 500 Backlinks you have to go to each one of those sites and leave a comment in the comment box of that URL. No one told us that part!

Now, you can pay someone to link to your site by outsourcing it through fiverr dot com for $5.00. But eventually you are going to have to break down and put those comments your self on different websites or blogs to get link back to your site. Do a Google search for your keywords. Put in your keyword in the search box and the type in “leave comment.” Example- Travel Agency “leave comment” and it will bring up sites that allow comments.

There’s a couple different ways you can do this too. Google likes to see links that have your keyword in the URL. You can put in your URL into Google search and it will bring up several listings.

Look at the bottom of Google’s page it will have different keywords related to your keyword that you can go to and leave your comment on their pages too.

Look at the bottom of Google’s page it will have different keywords related to your keyword that you can go to and leave your comment on their pages too. You can also go to guest blogs, or guest blogging ( don’t forget to put in “leave comment”) with your keywords and leave comments on their pages. Make sure they have a box that asks for your URL too. This is very important so Google knows the URL of your site to attach the link.

Most people who own the site will want to read all comments first before it is posted to their site. It may say “your comment is waiting for moderation” meaning the owner of the site needs to approve it before it is posted. Make sure you do not do advertising for your site in the comments or leave your URL.

People that just advertise their site are considered spamming and likely the owner of site will just trash your comment. You’re time is valuable. If you take the time to go to the blog to leave a comment, try hard to get it accepted the first time. Don’t get frustrated, take you time and have fun!

Look at other posts and if you see other sites leave their URL after their comment then you can leave your URL, (but some sites will not approve your post if you put your URL in there) so check it out first. This decreases your chances of getting your comment approved and getting that backlink to your site if they don’t accept URL’s. Just be polite. Read the article the owner put up on the site and make a comment about it. Leave your name and URL, email address in the boxes indicated. Your email address will be kept private.

You may or may not agree with the owner of the site. You may put a nice comment as to why you disagree with what ever they have posted. But being ugly, argumentative or rude will definitely not get your comments approved so be honest and polite. After all you are taking your time to go to these sites, leaving comments to get backlinks, right? Might as well make your time worth while and get the comment approved so you get the backlink to your site.

Firefox has a software program available called “Firefox SEO Quake.” It can also be used on Chrome. There is a great You Tube Video that explains How to install SEO Quake step-by-step, get backlinks, great video. SEO Quake is a Free site to help you determine your and other sites page rank, # of backlinks, keywords, and lots more.

Firefox SEO Quake page rank will help you see the page rank of other sites. It is best to leave comments on sites with 3 or 4 page rank and higher, as this will help you increase your page rank faster.

One of the things I like about using SEO Quake is it gives you a little SEO Analytics for FREE too. If you click on the Diagnosis in the top right (after you have properly installed SEO Quake by using the You Tube video) you click on your site and make sure things are correct, make changes on your site to make them correct too. You may need to refresh your page after making changes, before going back into SEO Quake though.

You can check in the Diagnosis- Title, Meta Descriptions, Meta Keywords, Google Analytics, Headings for your H1, H2 and H3 tags on your articles.

You can see if your XML Site Map (which tells Google how to find your site and updates your site quicker when you post new pages or posts to your site. XML Site Map is a plugin you can add to your site from the plugin section of your blog) is active on your site too. You can check your backlinks too by clicking on “L:n/a”. More backlinks the higher your page rank!

Have fun Blogging! Hope you enjoyed this article. Please share this with a friend! Click To Learn More

If you want to Create a FREE Blog, we offer 89 Video Tutorials with Step-By-Step Instructions & 16 Ways to DRIVE FREE TRAFFIC! Build your Blog & Backlinks this is the video on You Tube for SEO Quake

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About the Author: Vistablogger