7 Social Media Tactics to Drive Traffic to Your WordPress E-Store

Social Media Tactics to Drive Traffic to Your Wordpress Blog

Online business operations have emerged as a  good revenue earning source and most people are joining the bandwagon in the hope of quick profits. This is not at all easy and most such ventures have to shut shop as the number of visitors is not enough to sustain them. Social communication is an avenue that can be economically and effectively harnessed for augmenting the user base and in this post we will discuss social media tactics to drive traffic to an online enterprise.

Social Media Tactics to Drive Traffic to Your WordPress Blog

1.Influencer Marketing

Individuals with credibility built upon their knowledge and body of work or on the basis of their popularity in the online world are known as influencers and the hold they have over their followers can be used to guide their buying choices. Building contacts with such people by giving them free samples of your products can be helpful as they can post favourable assessments or simply upload pictures with the items on platforms like Instagram. Besides ,you can also let them host your social accounts for some time.


Paid promotional matter designed after evaluating analytical data and placed strategically on pages of social networking sites frequented by the target audience can be useful in attracting guests to an online shopping avenue. This method may seem expensive but if campaigns designed sensibly and smartly by taking into account the demographics and interests of the market segment being aimed at, it can guarantee high return on investment. An outlet like Twitter allows for promoted tweets and promoted accounts which are utilized specifically for publicity purposes by marketers.


Based completely on good and trustworthy performance of an enterprise this social media tactic to drive traffic can be extremely effective not only in popularizing but also in building up the image of a concern. Persuading clients to write about their experience on the social accounts by giving them incentives for doing so can help you in get nice reviews which also sound genuine in nature. One can put in a link to the desired network on the thank you page with an offer like additional discount for next time’s shopping. An objective third- party assessment will always feel more reliable while reading than a paid-for comment making the store seem more dependable to a prospective buyer.


A potential customer is not limited to regular search engines like Google for finding a desired item but also using other media for exploring available options. This makes it mandatory to optimize the content being uploaded on networking websites and just like in the case of SEO, one can insert keywords decided after careful research associated with the item being marketed, in all the written matter like profile description and posts. Finding out the most popular terms being employed by users to search services related to the industry and incorporating them will definitely enable an entrepreneur to reach a larger clientele than the present one. Hashtags are very useful in improving the visibility of and use them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for increased hits on the intended posts.

5.Visual Content

Any image based material will always be more engaging for a viewer than a written one making it ideal for publicizing an enterprise. Shooting videos like how-to tutorials which can help a viewer with a problem related to the area of business, and uploading them on video- sharing websites and other channels will bring increased number of people to the e-store. Helped by the surge in smart devices and improved connectivity, more and more people are watching videos and another feature that is gaining popularity by the day is live streaming. Broadcasting a product launch or a competition in real time can always act as a good hook to pull maximum viewers towards the portal.

6.Good Written Material

Spending money on promotional posts and other similar stuff is fine but the crowd frequenting networking sites is always on the lookout for absorbing subjects and compositions and if articles and blogs related to one’s industry which are readable and share worthy can be put at places where they can be spotted easily by the intended audience, then it can be an immensely helpful promotional tool. Focusing purely on experience rather than advertising and uploading content like news articles, customer stories and tips that is socially useful, interactive and contextual will definitely add more numbers to your user base.

7.Social Sharing Buttons

The uploads being posted by you need to be shared and re-posted as much as possible in order to achieve greater visibility and to make this easier you can add sharing widgets such as Facebook Like button to your posts and even emails. Getting professional help from a reputed WordPress development company to add this simple feature to your posts will not only make them easy to spot on various platforms but also will also aid in sharing them, increasing their chances of being seen by a new viewer and being directed to your store.


Marketing is all about getting your message across to as large a number of people as possible in order to convert them into potential clients but it needs to be done in a methodical and organized way. All the above listed social media tactics to drive traffic can be beneficial in this regard if integrated into the approach of any organization looking to widen its horizons.

About Author:

Linda Wester has been working as professional Web Developer at HIreWPGeeks Ltd. Which provides HTML to WordPress theme customization service within the given time frame. She loves to share excellent stuff on WordPress. You can also follow her company on various social media platforms such as: Twitter, Facebook and GooglePlus.

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