Laptops have always been a crucial part of our lives. Before the advent of smartphones, tablets, and other such gadgets, it was the laptop which had helped us in making our presentations, creating documents, watching movies, playing games, accessing the internet, etc. Today, we can do all this on our tablets and smartphones too, but we still need laptops for their amazing PC-like performance. Nowadays, to take a laptop’s portability to the next level, 2-in-1 laptops have been introduced. Their screens are detachable and can be used as a standalone touchscreen tablet, also.

Yes, when you go to buy a laptop, you will purchase the one which already promises to eliminate these problems for you. But, you still can’t shirk away from your responsibilities because the best of the best may get damaged if not taken care for. So how can you take care of your laptop (hardware, software, and battery) or energize it to increase performance? Read further to find out.


  1. Cover it!

Save your laptop from external scratches, spills, etc., by covering it up with a laptop case. These days, notebook covers are available in the trendiest of designs giving you a wide range of options to choose from.

  1. Keep it spotless

Since it is a high powered electronic device, dust and hair are attracted to it and get accumulated in the nooks and crannies of its structure, in particular between the keys of the keyboard and around the exhaust fan. These dust particles can enter the system, hamper the functions and slow down the entire performance. Therefore, clean it regularly with a brush and cloth, to avoid any such circumstance.

  1. Don’t make it angry!

Getting your laptop angry, that is, letting it overheat may cause a lot of serious issues in the long run. Overheating can cause your battery and drives to heat up leading to performance issues.  It is very important to expose the fan side in laptop in order to channelize circulation of heat and prevent the laptop from overheating.

  1. Save Energy!

Put your laptop on sleep or hibernate mode, when not using it. This will give some rest to your system and ultimately save its battery life.

  1. The un-necessities

Steer clear of the redundant, energy eating background programs by closing them off when not required. They use up your energy for no particular purpose only to reduce the performance of your system.

  1. Protect it from Viruses

We all know what exactly a virus is. Before you buy a laptop, make sure that it has pre-installed antivirus software in it. If not, install it immediately to make sure no harm comes to your expensive laptop.

  1. Clean up the clutter

Use a clean-up program regularly to get rid of the digital waste which keeps accumulating in the RAM, time and again or else it will consume energy pointlessly.

  1. Tune your PC

Tune up your software with tune up programs to clear accumulated problems like unnecessary start-up commands, registry bloat-up, outdated settings, etc.

  1. Don’t let your power drain

Keep the brightness and sound down when not required and turn down the Wi-Fi when not using the internet. This will help more than anything to save your battery life.

  1. Don’t hit the extreme

Too hot or too cold external temperatures can be harmful for the health of your battery.

Irrespective of the kind of laptop you are using, you have to take good care of it; it is after all just a machine and needs to be tended to. If you don’t do so, the life of your laptops will reduce, and it will require frequent servicing.

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About the Author: Vistablogger

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