Event Marketing & Event Promotion


A. Types of Marketing

One of the most important aspects of event managements is promotion and marketing of the event and advertising is a tool that cannot be underestimated in event marketing & event promotion. Almost every event, except for the private parties and events has to keep aside a budget to cover advertising costs. And those involved in event marketing & event promotion need to first analyze what type of media would reach their target audience. And the choices include:

Event Marketing
                                                                   Event Marketing
  • Commercial Television

  • Cable Television

  • Radio

  • Print

  • Roadshows

There are also other means of advertising that include hoardings and sky balloons, amongst others.

Commercial television is being regarded as the most effective means of reaching out to the masses. And today with the television boom and the increasing number of channels, this is being proven as an effective means of promoting events. However, for advertising on television, a large sum of money needs to be kept aside. Ideally, the event organizer should tie up with sponsors that already have advertising slots.

For instance, live music agencies in London use all such advertising media including hoardings, television and other means to promote their event.

In order to reach out to the local audience then cable television marketing is effective. Radio, another medium of broadcast mass media, is also proving to be effective, in the recent times, with the increasing number of FM channels.

A medium that has been tried and tested through the last century has been the print media. Apart from advertising events, companies also seek genuine write ups in the various publications. For this they host press conferences.

B. Plan publicity

Promoting a special event takes creative thinking balanced with practicality. The primary objective is to publicize the event, but secondary objectives should be considered.

Event Promotion
Event Promotion
  • Are you trying to inform, educate or entertain?

  • Increase awareness or attendance of the event?

  • Build a base support from a specific audience?

  • Facilitate good community relations?

  • Brainstorm all the available media in including marquees, school newsletters, church announcements, and cable and commercial stations. Make a detailed list with names of whom to contact and when.

One of the key components of any event management companies are its ability to markets its services, as well as the event at hand. It would be advisable to appoint a marketing head specifically for this purpose.

This individual is responsible for ensuring that the event gets the best possible audience, as well as sponsorship and other required support. Operational Head: This individual is responsible for the overall execution of the operation of the event. this includes managing any kind of technology that could possibly be required.

The Legal Head: This individual is required to advise in case of any legal aspects, as well as to negotiate in case of contracts. More often than never, multiple contracts are entered into when working on a medium to large-scale event. The above form the core team of an event management company. These heads create their own sub-teams that work under their instructions. Apart from that, there may be consultants and advisors, who add value to the projects in hand.

Event management marketing is also known as ‘event management sponsorship’, as well as less commonly known as ‘lifestyle marketing’. This is an ever-growing domain in event management. In India, marketing of event billing amounts to over 100 Crores, per year. In fact, this is reported to be an underestimation of the actual worth of the industry. The event marketing is spread across a broad base of varied events. The growing trend in marketing of events is largely attributed to its ability to get through all the advertising clutter in order to reach out to the consumers. This includes other vital audience segment, too. All this needs to be done in an impactful way. The marketing can be done at varied levels, and so those involved in this segment of event management need to be creative and be fully aware of the goals of the event, so to speak.

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About the Author: Shubhi Gupta

Shubhi Gupta is a professional writer, blogger who writes for a variety of online publications. She is also an acclaimed blogger outreach expert and content marketer. She loves writing blogs and promoting websites related to SEO, Guest Blogging, education, fashion, travel, health and technology sectors. Check out my Travel Videos and Travel Blog.

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