When it comes to choosing the reliable Content Management System (CMS) for developing a website, you get the privilege of choosing from a pool of option. But the same options really perplexed you, right? Considering some parameters and drawing the line in eliminating your options.
Debates and discussions are going on since antiquity as to which CMS is the best and it will continue, the reason being, the technological advancement. With each update every CMS get better, enhancing their performance and functionality, further adding it to the confusion. So, today, I’ll be clearing all the doubts and queries as to why WordPress comes out at the top and is the most popular and widely CMS.
WordPress started as a blogging platform but soon gained popularity due to its rich functionality and is now the ideal platform for developing websites. Many people are using this platform as it is highly customizable and provides custom web development services and the best part is, it is an open source and free.
To assert my words, I’m sharing some advantages of WordPress that you simply can’t neglect and by the end, you’d know why it is the big gun in the world of CMS.
1. Ease of operating it:
Simplicity and ease of operating are what define WordPress. Anyone can access and use it. you don’t need to be familiar with the programming languages like is the case with other CMS. Even a layman can easily create a website using this platform without any technical and external assistance. It has been designed intuitively as you don’t need to have prior web designing and knowledge for using it. You can easily add pages, customize the theme, add contents without having to rely on the external source.
2. Good for business:
Generally, businesses are started with investment keeping in mind. All the planning is done with taking into account all the resources and capital but to compete with others and to thrive in the market, you need to be present 24×7 and with websites, you can achieve that. Big organizations have their own in-house web development team but what about the small and mid-scale enterprises?
From the business perspective, WordPress is the ideal place for developing a website for your business. Ideal for companies that require a simple site and not advanced features as WordPress has unlimited scalability potential.
3. Plugins:
WordPress has more than 45,000 plugins to choose from. Each designed for a specific purpose. Like I said, you need any kind of technical experience yet you can enhance your site’s functionality and performance. Simple, just use the particular plugin. For example, you have plugins for SEO, for analyzing the site’s performance, for enhancing the loading time or any other functionality. By adding plugins, your site will become unique and may have all the latest bells and whistles.
4. Minimal expense:
As in the beginning, I mentioned that WordPress is free. Many of its features are free to use. It has larger communities of developers, thereby, the amount of resources and general help available is overwhelming when compared with other content management systems. WordPress community on a whole is inclined towards helping each other and that too without any hidden cost. it has thousands of free plugins to choose from. Whenever you face any problem, you know where to look for the solution.
5. Social media networking:
Social media is a way of presenting yourself to millions of people and getting in contact with them. Social media is crucial for networking and advertising your site and spreading your words. There are many social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn etc and it you may have an account of all them platform or at least one of them. Well just think how instantly you can connect with anyone through these platforms, isn’t it a fast mode of communication and getting your presence felt?
Syncing your website with social media is a beneficial step for your business and it is easy to sync your social media account with the WordPress plugins unlike in other CMS where you actually have to spend some time and efforts and do the coding for it. But WordPress has a plenitude of plugins that can help you with the process. Such plugins publish your post to the connected social media as soon as you publish them. Meaning that you only have to publish it once and the rest can be taken care by the plugin.
6. SEO-friendly:
There’s no point in developing a website if the search engine is not able to index your site. This means that the higher your site ranks the more visitors you’ll have. And here when WordPress comes out at the top. It is SEO-friendly implying that as soon as you develop your site it will be ranked higher in search engines, though, it won’t shoot up your site immediately and will take some time. But be ensure that for search engines crawlers it is easy to index WordPress sites.
You’d be astonished to know that WordPress related keywords score 37 million searches per month. Search engine optimization is its another built-in feature meaning that it takes care of your search engine rankings. You can even use plugins as there a myriad of SEO plugins that can help you enhance your SEO.