Are you thinking about affiliate marketing from blog or e-commerce website? If you are then what will be your best choice to do so? Do you know “Amazon Affiliation” is the first choice for the marketers for affiliate marketing? Because amazon has huge range of products. From books to electronics, groceries to agricultural, fashion, medicine, food even adult products are found here. In fact amazon is the most trusted name for online shopping. You can easily create a niche website for amazon’s various products. And the conversion or sales rate is comperatively higher than any other affiliate program. Amazon pays once a month. The commission rate varies from 4% to 15% depends on products. It seems to be lower than any other program like clickbank but imagine you are selling a camera which is of $3000 and the camera is sold for ten times in a month. What will be your earning after that month. This is the most interesting part of amazon affiliate program.
Why Amazon Affiliation :
The first reason is people trust amazon. You may get commission on whole basket as an affiliate blogger. Suppose you are promoting cellphone by your blog. A buyer came to amazon through your affiliate link and he bought a camera instead of cellphone. What will happen than? Who will get commission for that camera? The answer is, you will get that commission. Because he came to amazon by your reference. So the entire amazon site becomes your referral .
Again many people become habituate to buy from amazon. It is another important way to increase commission rate from amazon. The competition per product is comparatively low from any other affiliate program. Almost all products excepts electronics products are low competitive.
Another advantage of amazon affiliation is, you will find exact keyword for your products. There are many buyers who finds product name through search engine. They try to find out the best selling products. For keyword research you can use google keyword planner. Find out exact keywords and make a website with those. Then create some backlinks. You will see the results.
How To Start :
First create an account in amazon associate. Then find out the products which you want to promote. Always do this manually. Before you select products, I recommend you to view the commission rate chart for every category.
If you can analyse the following three key methods and work according to them, you will surely succeed in amazon affiliation.
How To Select A Product To Promote :
First select a product that you can write about. You know nothing about the product but select it for only high commission rate, you will not get anything from that. Because people will buy anything based on your writing. Try to place related keyword in your writing. This will give you visitors or buyers from organic search.
How To Create Highly Convertible Website :
Create a set of products based on public demand. Try to do it unconventionally. Use keyword tool to find buyer keywords. Keyword research is very important and helpful for conversion.
Increase Click Through Rate :
Always select daily needed products. Public demand should be kept in your mind always. Suppose : Chocolate, It has expiry date of one month only. If you select it and someone see it after it’s expiry date and want to buy through your affiliate link. When he visits amazon finds nothing. What will happen then. You will lost your reputation. This will spoil your affiliate marketing career. Most importantly find such a product which will be converted within 24 hours.
Affiliate marketing is the most proven method to earn money online. And amazon is the most trusted program. If you want to be a successful amazon affiliate marketer, you have to learn the techniques of marketing. Because amazon’s rules are very strict. So you have to go by book. For advance affiliate marketing techniques click here.