Ancient systems like Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda believe that digestion is one of the most important factors that influence your health. This conclusion has come from thousands of years of practice and observation of health. Digestive health is strongly connected to your mental and physical health. Modern research on nutrition agrees too.
The food we eat can cause a lot of problems in the digestive tract. Many of the yoga poses are designed to detoxify the digestive system so you have more energy, sleep better, and lose weight. You have to eat properly but this isn’t always going to be possible. It’s been found that even a raw, vegan diet isn’t so easy on your digestive tract. If your digestive system isn’t working optimally, your body doesn’t absorb the nutrients you give it. Herbs are a helpful way to help your digestive system work. Here are some helpful herbs that are based on modern science, Ayurveda, and ancient Chinese medicine practices.
While Ghee isn’t technically a herb, it does deserve to be on this list for its helpful properties. It’s simply clarified butter but it is highly revered in Ayurveda. It has much healing properly, one of them being that helps to fix any digestive problems. If you have a vitamin deficiency, Ghee helps the body absorb vitamins properly again. It restores energy and vitality.
Ghee heals any digestive issues you have due to butyric acid, which treats ulcers and colon cancer among other illnesses. It soothes the digestive tract and reduces inflammation. It heals wounds in the mucus lining of your intestines. It also balances acidity levels in the stomach, which can contribute to poor digestive health.
Dandelion Root
This digestive bitter herb has been prescribed for centuries. It cleanses your digestive tract.
Cayenne helps to loosen any mucus build up in the body. The stomach will use mucous along with its own acid to ease digestive issues. Cayenne fights symptoms of indigestion as well.
Ginger warms up the digestive fire and is a Yang herb in Chinese medicine. If your belly aches, you’ll likely be given ginger. It is one of the best digestive herbs out there. It also affects your circulation in a positive way. Chinese herbalists have been using ginger as a digestive medicine for thousands of years. Ancient Greeks knew it well as a digestive aid and would mix powdered ginger into their bread, making it a staple to their diet.
Ginger grows wild in Asia and comes with therapeutic benefits of all kinds. It is used to get rid of an upset stomach and nausea that comes with it. It is an anti-inflammatory for the digestive system, getting rid of stomach cramps. It remedies heartburn and prevents motion sickness. You may want to drink some ginger tea before setting off on travels. Even Confucius sprinkled fresh ginger on his food. He knew that as a yang herb, it promoted appetite, and helped to expect gases from the stomach and intestines. It can be eaten fresh or in a capsule.
Slippery Elm Bark
This herb is a digestive tract healer. If you’re feeling any pain in your guts, slippery elm bark will soothe the pain. Native Americans use the bark of an elm tree to help heal damaged skins. When Europeans settled, they found other uses for the bark. They found it would calm the digestive problems that came with typhoid, which are very painful and intense. In the modern age, it is a popular solution for any digestive problems. This includes irritable bowel syndrome, acid build up, and any kind of discomfort that occurs when eating foods your body doesn’t agree with.
The bark soothes an upset digestion. It protects the stomach lining and eases any diarrhea and intestinal problems. Acidity is neutralized because it coats the mucous membrane lining of your intestines. It makes it’s way through your belly and flushes out any stagnant waste as it goes through the digestive tract.
Milk Thistle
This digestive bitter herb is a flowering plant. It has been used for many centuries as a digestive herb. The liver works to detox the body, this flower, which comes from the daisy family, has an active property to help the liver cells maintain health. It helps to promote the proper function of bile. Not only does it save your life but it helps with digestion immediately while relieving indigestion or stomach pain.
You know that peppermint is a great way to immediately relieve gas and pain in the stomach. I mean, isn’t that why there are after dinner mints? To help with digestion. It is a very common digestive tonic. It was used in Greece and known to lift your spirits just due to its scent. Peppermint is a healing herb for your digestive tract whether you sniff it or eat it. It helps with digestive colic, it speeds up your digestion, it helps with flatulence and reduces bloating.
It soothes any stomach pain and relieves colic based diarrhea. It has been accepted as a treatment for irritable bowel syndrome in the medical industry. The oils help to ease bloating, cramps and spasms.
Herbs can be a helpful way of promoting a healthy digestion system. It helps eliminate the risk of major health problems that can come when toxins remain in the body for too long. You may find yourself feeling constantly exhausted and being more susceptible to illnesses. One of the most important things you can do is maintain a healthy digestive system.
Author ‘s Bio
Meera Watts is a yoga teacher, entrepreneur,and mom. Her writing on yoga and holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes,and others. She’s also the founder and owner of Siddhi Yoga.
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