Falling in trend with DIY
DIY is so trending nowadays. Spending your money whenever you have it is kind of okay, but controlling the spendthrift ways is more important and that’s what counts in more. But, surely looks and skin care cannot be compromised with, we must not settle with anything less than the best asstudies have revealed that a healthy lifestyle along with a regular beauty regime results in excellent skin. And to the one who are reading this article, if you do not know what skincare luxury really is, then go ahead and book yourself a spa date. But hold your horses! Before you spend the fortune while making an online booking at the spa, there is some sinful secret I want to divulge: wouldn’t it just be great if you could spend some self time binging on movies and having a quiet time with yourself, while the face mask does its trick. That is possible too! With some budget friendly ingredients available there are skincare products you can make at home and you can easily pamper yourself at home.
Some words of caution before you start:
So, there are some tips you could follow to avoid DIY fiascos:
- While using any kind of natural ingredients, you have to keep it mind that, there is no logic that given you have these ingredients daily as a part of your diet, it does not mean that it will suit your skin type. It is recommended that apply a small amount of ingredient on your wrist. Wash it off after 24 hours, if nothing happens within that, you can put the ingredient in the pack.
- Try to use organic elements if you are trying to make a face pack, that actually lessens the chance of irritation on the face. If you’re looking for over the counter products, we may suggest you Stemuderm by Solvaderm; it is an anti-wrinkle cream that works on multiple levels, keeping the skin moisturized and reduce wrinkle appearance.
Some Easy to Make Packs at home
- Aloe Vera Face Mask: The classic favourite of skin specialists across ages, this beauty on the window sill is not only used to cure the sunburn. But it can give you a radiant skin as well.
Things you will need: Aloe Leaves and a pair of scissors
How to make: Cut the Aloe Leaves carefully (watch out for the spikes, I mean) and wash the leaves thoroughly under running water. Cut out any fleshypart of the leaf and scoop out the gel.
How to Use: Apply the deliciously soothing aloe vera gel all over the face and neck, leaving only the eyes. Leave the gel for 15 to 20 minutes and allow it to dry. After 20 minutes, rinse your face with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel. Apply the Aloe mask 2 to 3 times a week for better results.
- Yummy Berry Mask: Well, if you have the self control (I often don’t!) of leaving some berries alone, any type of berries can do: strawberries, raspberries, blue berries and acai berries can all be used as an excellent facial mask.
Things you will need: 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons honey, ¼ cup of mixed berries and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (to be avoided, if having sensitive skin).
How to make: Mix all the ingredients, yogurt and honey in a blender and blend it till well mixed.
How to use: Apply the mixture on the freshly cleansed face, and keep it for 15-20 minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water after 20 minutes.
Also Read: How to exfoliate your skin?