We’ve already felt the power of a personal brand in the modern world. That is the reason why we prefer visiting Tony Robbins’ events over the ones organized by any unknown and experienced life coach. We never hesitate even a second when downloading Gary Vee’s podcasts or buying Richard Branson’s books because all these people are proved to be leaders. They are famous, and everyone trusts them. They are brands.
But what if you could become an internet celebrity and build your personal brand? Do you think it is impossible? Believe me, you can do it.
Personal branding strategy is a combination of particular steps that should be regularly followed in order to see the results. Let’s dive into the details.
1. Be a mission-driven, not a money-driven
Before you decide to start building your personal brand, think about your mission. Take some minutes and try to answer the following questions:
• What do you want to bring to people?
• What is your key message?
• How do you want to change the world and people’s lives?
Money cannot be your only motivation, otherwise, you have small chances to grow into something big. It is a long-term game that will take your time and efforts. Personal branding model is not about quick results.
I guess you heard this quote millions of times: when you feel like quitting, think about why you started. So, why are you starting today?
2. Add value to the society
Each of us has some experience that can bring value to people’s lives when shared. Maybe you are a brilliant cook or trained yoga for some period and can teach other people your techniques.
Who cares what you’ve had for the breakfast this morning? Isn’t it better to share top 5 breakfast ideas for busy moms? I think the second variant would bring more value.
Think about your ideal client and what benefit you can bring to this person. Probably you have the topics you are constantly talking about and your friends are tired of. 🙂 Can these topics be interesting to others? What value do they have?
3. Be consistent
If you are serious enough about building your personal brand, prepare to be consistent. Making a post on your social media or a blog once a month is not enough. People should get addicted to you and your information. Make a plan and stick to it daily.
Sometimes you may feel tired, out of the mood or just have no time. In such situations remember this – success never cares about your feelings. Make being consistent a priority and you will see the results.
4. Show up on videos
Video content is becoming more and more popular. It is a mainstream used by celebrities to attract the attention of millions to their personal brands. You could be surprised, but there are Instagram users who never scroll the feed with photos, but who’re spending hours watching live videos there.
If you have never tried this type of content before it is high time to start. Such channels as YouTube, Facebook lives, Instagram stories and IGTV should be the main tools for your personal brand promotion.
5. Engage with your audience
Create engaging content and communicate with your audience. Though it is a well-known fact, there are people who continue to post pictures with texts from Wikipedia. No, it is great that you are reading this resource, but what about starting to talk to people?
There are some tips that can help to make your content engaging:
• Ask questions
• Express your personal opinion
• Be honest and never try to be good for everyone
Engaging content always has more likes and shares. Additionally, this type of content is eye-catching and makes people remember you.
6. Train your mindset
Usually, we are trying too hard and forget about enjoying the process. I had the hard period in my life when my attempts to make money brought nothing but stress and depression. However, once I stepped back and evaluated the situation, magic started to happen. I got my first clients and started to grow.
Train your mindset every day to think about positive moments in your life, even if your life situation is not so cloudless. It is a hard work, but it pays off.
Your personal brand is your CV that helps to build your reputation in the society. Building a personal brand is not a fast game and it requires consistency and time investment. I know for sure that each of us can make influence if we start sharing our knowledge and bringing the value.
About the author:
Tania Artemova is an entrepreneur, blogger, and business coach. She is a founder of IStartHub, online magazine for entrepreneurs, and Co-Founder of a web development agency Great Create. In addition, she helps starting solopreneurs to build a working business using her revolutionary 8-week program.