Sleeping well is essential for the organism; it is one of the healthy living habits that we should not forget. Sleeping well is as important as eating a good diet or exercising, or drinking enough water. A restful sleep has physical and psychic benefits that contribute to our well-being and improve our quality of life. However, there are many people who do not sleep well, and this can have serious consequences for their health. Sleeping well guarantees more important results than just removing unsightly bags under the eyes.
Allowing the body to rest between 7 and 8 hours a day allows a person to maintain a good quality of life and enjoy great health, both physical and mental. On the other hand, sleeping less than 7 hours and more than 9 hours can be counterproductive. By having fewer hours of sleep, the body will not be alert enough to perform daily tasks. And sleeping more does not guarantee to have more energy when waking; on the contrary, doing it continuously can lead to cardiovascular problems. There have even been studies that indicate that sleeping more or less than 8 hours a day decreases the years of life.
Good Memory and Mental Ability
Although many people tend to stay up late and, after resting a few hours, return to their obligations, it is quite likely that they perform their activities with less dexterity. Being sleepy during the day causes low retention of information, poor performance in work or studies, slow reactions and greater tendency to be distracted.
Development of Creativity
Just as in sleep cognitive restoration occurs, the mind is also strengthened. The rest produces a cerebral reorganization, which allows having more cleared what one wishes to do. During the day there are many ideas and knowledge that are acquired, so a few hours of sleep allow the restructuring of ideas and the development of creativity.
Fight diseases and maintain good health
Sleeping well can avoid heart disease, inflammation (related to heart problems and arthritis), increased pressure, kidney disease, diabetes and fertility problems. Sleeping at least 8 hours a day reduces the risk of heart disease by 65% and up to 83% the risk of death from a cardiovascular accident, according to data from the Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC). Fewer hours of sleep affect the immune system, so if a person has a disease and does not get enough sleep, recovery will be slower. Even, the quality of sleep allows you to lose weight. An investigation by the University of Chicago (United States) found that those who sleep at their hours manages to lose excess fat, while those who sleep badly lose muscle mass.
This is due to an alteration of the hormones due to lack of sleep. With fewer hours of rest, the hormones that cause you to feel hungry increase, while the hormones that determine that your appetite has been satiated decrease. Therefore, people who sleep less than 8 hours are prone to obesity. The fact of sleeping well with having a longer life is related. The truth is that sleep well allows you to enjoy good health, therefore, away diseases that deteriorate the body, allowing you to live quietly. Moreover, People who sleep more hours have a higher concentration of leukocytes in the blood and suffer fewer infections. When we are sick we need to repair our defenses through sleep. One way to avoid colds is to rest properly at night. The immune system of a rested person can create a stronger response to the invasion of viruses and bacteria.
Better physical prowess
It is important, even more for athletes, to rest enough, since it is in a deep sleep that physical recovery takes place. This non-REM sleep tends to increase when more physical exhaustion is experienced. In this case, athletes would be an exception to the rule of 8 hours a day, since to experience greater physical activity, they may even need between 10 and 13 hours of sleep depending on the exercises that have been performed.